Download programs from official publisher websites

Emma, wanting to protect herself from spyware, downloaded specialized software from her search engine. Unknowingly, she installed a Trojan horse*.

In this context, to ensure the security of your machine and your data :

If you download digital content from untrusted websites, you run the risk of storing non-updatable programs on your computer, most of which contain viruses or Trojan horses*. This can enable malicious persons to take remote control of your machine, spy on your computer’s actions, steal your personal data, launch attacks, etc.

  • download your programs from their publishers or other trusted sites;
  • remember to uncheck or deactivate any boxes offering to install additional software;
  • stay alert to sponsored links and think twice before clicking on them;
  • disable automatic opening of downloaded documents, and run an antivirus* scan before opening them to check that they contain no known viral load.


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